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On "Scratch Series" #351 - Cranberry Porter

Category 29A - Fruit Beer: Porter

· Beer Review

For the second beer of Troegs "Anthology Winter" (see the first, here) I took a crack at their "Scratch Series" beer, #351 - Cranberry Porter.

Aroma: Strong malt aroma, caramel and toffee, leads, followed by chocolates and the darker stone fruits, raisins and plums. Light, secondary toasted notes came through as well. No hop aroma. Light, fruity esters. No cranberry aroma specifically noted. 9/12.

Appearance: Dark, rich brown with copper shading at edges/under light. Short, light brown head which quickly faded to a light film on the top and at the edges. Fairly opaque from the color, but clear. 3/3.

Flavor: Sample is malt forward, but fruit flavors dominate. Strong, sweet caramel notes lead, but a moderate-low roastiness that was absent from the aroma follows. Tart fruit flavors immediately take over - cranberries - and the stone fruits from the aroma are lost. No hop flavor; moderate bitterness, ostensibly from malt choice. Finish is long, bitter, and tart - just like a cranberry. 14/20.

Mouthfeel: Light body. Moderate carbonation. Faint hint of creaminess. No warmth. A mild astringency/puckering of the mouth, reminiscent of a cranberry. Drying finish. 4/5.

Overall Impression: Overall an interesting fruited porter. Neither the underlying porter, nor the fruited addition, were sufficient to reach the "Excellent" category, though both were without flaws of note. The fruit flavors was much more dominant than harmonious as I would expect pursuant to the style guidelines, and hop aroma/flavor was effectively absent. Altering these additions, either quantity or timing, may bring about a more desirable balance. 8/10.

Total Score: 38/50

Though the beer improved as it warmed, I find I did not love this beer. I'll happily drink what I have in stock, but probably won't get more if it comes around again.